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Facilitator Resources

Resources for a Member in Distress

What should I be watching for in my group members that might be evidence of distress or “at risk” behavior? If a member communicates persistent thoughts of suicide, or serious intent to complete suicide, or talks about a specific suicide plan If a member attempts to participate in the group and is clearly under the influence of a drug or…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Facilitating a Community Gathering

As Members Arrive Cultivate an environment of positive encouragement, engagement, and conversation As people arrive virtually, welcome them into the gathering Greet arrivals with a personal welcome - say their name Engage in conversation around common interest   Focus the Gathering Begin within 5 minutes of the start time Bring a focus by getting everyone's attention If there are new…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Community Dynamics: Speak Carefully

Less helpful “God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle” “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” “You need to be strong like your mother” “You need to be strong for your mother, children, etc.” “Be strong and you’ll get through it” More helpful “It sounds like this is really hard” “How are you doing with all this?”…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Community Dynamics: Personality Roles

THE TALKER This person has something to say about what everyone else says and talks frequently but really does not have much to say    THE VICTIM The victim or the “poor me” person tells a number of sad stories and usually with added drama that people know is beyond the real story. They also often speak with a squeaky…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Community Dynamics: Overpowering Member

When a participant in the group dominates discussion, responds or reacts to every comment, or attempts to guide or control the group.   1) Maintain control of the group Do not allow the overpowering group member to have control of the group Carefully re-direct the discussion to allow other group members to participate 2) Continue to review the community guidelines…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Community Dynamics: Growing Deeper

The Five F’s tools to help you understand group members Facts name, loss, occupation, interests, time since loss, emotional impact of loss Family family of origin, spouse & children, extended family, complex family dynamics Faith faith background, spiritual vs religious, spiritual pain, level of support from faith Fears anger, anxiety or worry, permanence of grief, will anything be the same,…
March 4, 2021
Facilitator Resources

Community Discussion Questions

Everyone goes through the grief process differently. Some experience phases of grief more powerfully than others. What aspects of shock that we have talked about best describe you? What did/does the “shock” phase look like for you?
March 3, 2021